Download Virtual Reality: Anwendungen und Trends by o. Prof. Dr. h.c. Dr.-Ing. E.h. H. J. Warnecke (auth.), Dr. PDF

By o. Prof. Dr. h.c. Dr.-Ing. E.h. H. J. Warnecke (auth.), Dr. h.c. mult. Dr.-Ing. H. J. Warnecke, Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. H.-J. Bullinger (eds.)

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These applications largely reside upon workstations today and provide interactive 3D visualization, although few offer immersive interfaces. To take this next step, immersive visualization systems must offer clear benefits without major disadvantages or stumbling blocks to implementation. A number of technologies must advance before immersive visualization enters the mainstream. These include the tracking, rendering, and display technologies. Tracking Vntil recently non-mechanical tracking devices have hindered the development of effective headtracked HMDs due to excessive latency and insufficient range from the transmitters to the receivers.

A number of technologies must advance before immersive visualization enters the mainstream. These include the tracking, rendering, and display technologies. Tracking Vntil recently non-mechanical tracking devices have hindered the development of effective headtracked HMDs due to excessive latency and insufficient range from the transmitters to the receivers. New technologies like the Polhemus FastTrak offer the potential of removing this technological stumbling block and putting the pressure on the other component manufacturers to speed their solutions to the other key technical challenges.

1992): Der intelligente Arbeitsplatz - Szenarien fOr innovative BOroarbeitsplătze, In: Building-Automation 92, Forum BOroplanung, Tagungsunterlagen zum Facility-Management-Congress 92, Wiesbaden 6. - 7. Mai 1992. , Riedel, O. (1993): New Techniques for Interaction in Virtual Worlds - Contents of Development and Examples. To be published in: Human Computer Interaction, Orlando, Florida, USA, August 8-13, 1993. W. (1987): An evaluation of input devices for 3-D computer display workstations, Proc.

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