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By Professor J. Michael Hogan

Hogan analyzes the Panama Canal de­bate, the most emotionally charged concerns to divide American opin­ion during this century. Hogan first presents heritage for his certain research of the old debate among the Carter management and the recent correct. getting ready the reader for that war of words and the senate debate that undefined, he examines the history of political controversy surrounding the Panama Canal, fairly the impression of that controversy at the evolution of U.S. coverage through the twentieth century. He files the canal’s mythic prestige in American politics—its transformation from a logo of America’s upward push to international management to an emblem, for lots of, of yankee colonialism and imperialism. Hogan’s research covers the substance of the talk over Panama in either the mass media and within the senate. with out changing into an recommend for each side, he analyzes either the protreaty crusade through the Carter management and the coun­terattack by way of the recent correct.

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Although Adams' theory blamed economic factors for the decline of societies, it clearly suggested noneconomic remedies. When applied to the United States in the 1890s, it advised against expansion which aimed merely at exploiting foreign Page 22 markets. The infusions of new energy from economic exploitation would treat only symptoms, not causes, and thus might postpone the decline of the nation. But according to the internationalists, America could reverse the decline evident in America during the 1890s only by restoring the martial spirit.

The two branches of the Anglo-Saxon race . . ''21 Yet at the turn of the century the United States still needed several things to fulfill its part in the internationalist scheme. First and foremost, an American-controlled isthmian canal would be required to establish American dominance of the Caribbean and the Pacific. Second, America would need to reinterpret the Monroe Doctrine to ground its dominance of the West in principle. Third, America would require an offensive, sea-going, battleship navy to protect the canal and to exploit its potential.

The amendments adopted by the Senate did little to address the problems of conflicting interpretations of the original documents; indeed, one could argue that they just muddied the waters further. And poll after poll following the Senate's action revealed that public opinion remained at the same high level of opposition to the treaties as had been evident in polls taken before the debate. Over the next few years the New Right would exploit the Panama Canal issue to expand its power and to ''punish" liberal senators, giving credence to the notion that the Senate misread public opinion.

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