By Jean Muteba Rahier (auth.)
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Dándole el pecho su madre. 24. His mother was breast-feeding him. 25. Cuando fueron a adorarlo 25. When they went to worship Him 26. bajaron por el Oriente, 26. They left toward the Orient, 27. solo de guía pusieron 27. And their only guides 28. las estrellas al poniente. 28. Were the stars in the sky. 29. Era tan resplandeciente, 29. It was shinning so much, 30. no había con que compararlo. 30. There was nothing to compare it with. 31. Cuando fueron a adorarlo 31. When they went to worship Him 32.
40. With their blessed rosaries 41. Pastores iban contritos 41. Shepherds were going repentantly 42. hincaditos de rodilla. 42. Kneeling down. 43. Y el Cordero sin mancilla 43. And the Lamb without stain 44. ” 44. Was telling Him: “Be quiet Little One. Décimas a lo divino and the Forest Spirit The northern region of the Esmeraldas Province is a tropical rain forest. Roads are limited, and in most cases rivers provide the most reliable way of getting around. Here, every Afro-Esmeraldian family has at least one canoe.
20. Because he wanted to kill Him. The Afro-Esmeraldian Décimas—Ecuador 21 21. El ángel les vino a hablar 21. The angel came to speak to them 22. y para Egipto salieron 22. And they left for Egypt. 23. Estaba el Niño en sus brazos 23. The Baby was in her arms, 24. dándole el pecho su madre. 24. His mother was breast-feeding him. 25. Cuando fueron a adorarlo 25. When they went to worship Him 26. bajaron por el Oriente, 26. They left toward the Orient, 27. solo de guía pusieron 27. And their only guides 28.