By Florence Halpern
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Primarily in order to receive federal funds the college had admitted a small n u m b e r of black students. O n one occasion these students staged a protest and sent a dozen d e m a n d s to the President of the school. " In addition to the formulation of their d e m a n d s , the black students stood as a group on the college c a m p u s and sang freedom songs. T h e protest was certainly a very mild *In this c o n n e c t i o n it is interesting to n o t e that the suicide rate a m o n g the black people of the rural south is very low, m u c h lower t h a n a m o n g the white p e o p l e .
W h e n she was discovered and asked why she had c o m e to the city her answer was that she wanted to improve her condition. A s k e d if she thought she had achieved this, her reply was an affirmative one. J u s t as the white man could see the shacks in which the black people lived, so the black people could see the mansion in which the white man resided. T o a s s u m e that the people accepted this state of affairs without question or r e s e n t m e n t is taxing credibility to its limits.
In fact, rather than having relevance and value for him, in his case their adoption would most probably have exposed him to the anger and hostility of the white community. So all such feelings and impulses had to be stifled. Indeed, in order to stay alive the black man was compelled to repress and deny the strivings that every person experiences in his search for a full and satisfying way of life. A s part of his adjustment he learned very early in his life to give up any thought of living in a materially comfortable fashion.