By Roy Whistler
Tools in Carbohydrate Chemistry, quantity VII: basic tools, Glycosaminoglycans, and Glycoproteins is a compilation of priceless equipment from the total box of carbohydrate chemistry.
This quantity places emphasis on equipment and methods used with glycoproteins and glycosaminoglycans. The booklet includes chapters dedicated to the presentation of tools and tactics used with mono- and disaccharides, glycosides and nucleosides, and amino sugars. The equipment for the isolation, purification, and research of glycoproteins and glycosaminoglycans are elaborated intimately to boot.
This quantity is meant for using chemists, biochemists, and researchers within the box of carbohydrate chemistry.
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2 g of sodium in 75 ml of methanol, and the mixture is shaken at r o o m temperature for 24 h. Following the addition of 60 ml of ether, the precipitated product is collected on a filter and washed with a little cold methanol. The product is dissolved in 200 ml of cold water; the solution is + passed through a column of 200 ml of Rexyn 1 0 1 ( H ) cation-exchange resin, and the eluate and water washing are concentrated to a syrup under diminished pressure at < 4 0 ° . The syrup is dissolved in 50 ml of hot methanol, and the solution is cooled to 5°.
The reaction is complete after 90 h. 5 cm diam. 5 depth). 9, and is all eluted in the first 77 liters of eluate. 0) 182° amorph. 190° 198° 155° 194°-197° 245°-246° Observed 190° (20) 182° (23) 196° (sinters) 268°(dec) (21) 176° (20) 198° (3) Reported Melting points Determined on a hot stage. F, Water saturated with « - B u O H - c o n c . N H 4 O H (100:1 v/v). E, EtOAc saturated with 5% acetic acid run on Whatman N o . 40 paper. The paper was equilibrated with vapors of the lower phase and developed with the upper phase.
Thiolation occurs at either primary or secondary carbon atoms in the sugars with either retention (7) or inversion (2) of configuration. The choice of decomposition conditions depends upon the structure of the oxidatively coupled xanthate and upon minimizing alternative decomposition products, such as thionocarbonates (Vol. VI [77]). Cyclic dithiobis(thioformates) derived from vicinal 38 MONO- AND DISACCHARIDES trans-diols decompose upon pyrolysis or upon treatment with methyl sulfoxide containing catalytic a m o u n t s of base to give cyclic O^-dithiocarbonates with accompanying inversion at the site of thiolation (2).