By Charlotte Klonk
New laboratory constructions are at present being deliberate all over the global. Are they varied from or perhaps greater than their predecessors? to reply to this query, the authors of this e-book have journeyed into the previous and current of laboratory structure and located a notable number of ways in regards to either the practical relation of areas and the symbolic worth of the facade.
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New Laboratories: Historical and Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Developments
New laboratory structures are at present being deliberate all over the international. Are they varied from or perhaps higher than their predecessors? to reply to this query, the authors of this e-book have journeyed into the earlier and current of laboratory structure and located a impressive number of methods with reference to either the useful relation of areas and the symbolic price of the facade.
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Photo © Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum Braunschweig. 4). There too, the scientist is shown in a rapt pose, engrossed in his books, with a chemical experiment bubbling away in the background as a symbol of his creative genius. Yet in addition to its patently conscious staging of this centuries-old motif, the photograph of Tesla conjures a second modern myth, namely that of the laboratory as factory, which has thrived in the natural sciences context since the late nineteenth century (See Chapter 2). In contrast to the modest room of Teniers’s alchemist, the hangar-like laboratory with its gigantic oscillator dwarfs Tesla and makes him seem a humble figure.
T he L aboratory as a S ubject of R esearch and its design. Historians of science have investigated the laboratory of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and heterogeneous places of experimentation of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries above all in terms of their permeability vis-à-vis other institutions and production sites. The museum and the factory are two such interfaces, examined more closely below. Sophie Forgan has demonstrated the symbiotic evolution since the eighteenth century of the natural sciences research laboratory and the museum (Forgan 1994).
Badsford. Felsch, Philipp. 2005. ” In Orte der Moderne: Erfahrungswelten des 19. und 20. , Frankfurt / Main: Campus Verlag. Forgan, Sophie. 1989. ” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 20 (4): 405–34. Forgan, Sophie. 1994. ” History of Science 32 (2), 139–162. Foucault, Michel. 1992. ” In Aisthesis: Wahrnehmung heute oder Perspektiven einer anderen Ästhetik, edited by Karlheinz Barck, Peter Gente, Heidi Paris, and Stefan Richter, 34–46. Leipzig: Reclam. Fox, Robert and Anna Guagnini. 1998.