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By Chris Searle

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We found that even in our seminars and village panel discussions the people were raising all kinds of questions about all kinds of problems they were facing. E. circles. You were teaching very positive Standard English expressions like 'We are one people' or 'Our history is a history of struggle' etc. How do you ~hink such expressions and the thoughts behind them become integrated Into the normal speech of the people? There is a strange process taking place here. The kind of expressions the students were learning in the manual were not new to them.

They have no connection there, no relatives, the people peak a dtfferent language, they have a completely different cultural back~ound. And yet, I can tell you, every Grenadian has been following with mte · . lse mterest the Nicaraguan struggle over the last few months and is Jubilant · ' of the people over the Somoza dynasty - because we h at the VIctory ave been through that process right here in Grenada, we can identify. 40 . The words that follow are those of'Skeffie' Wilson or Beausejour Car:cou, spoken shortly after his return from Nicaragua The spirit and rn;utmrage of this young guerrilla of language typifies tlte inte~ationalist comuu word entofth f fi e miTItant youth of Grenada, and the determination to see the struggts?

We told them to teach them that there is another way of saying what they speak, and we would actually have to translate it into Standard English. P. E. involved two languages, the language we actually speak and Standard English, which our people must know too because it is an international form of communication. But at the same time we encouraged our students to make word lists of those words and expressions in our own language which had to be translated, so they would have a ne"' re pect and begin to record their own language - and realise it is just as valuable as Standard English because it is part of a Caribbean tongue which will help to unify our region.

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