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By G. Vincent Runyon

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His exit was thus graceful . He has never applied for reinstatement because his conscience would not allow him to preach untruth. After twenty-four years he is more sure than ever that he made the right decision. Mr. Runyon's immediate family, his wife, brothers, sisters and a married daughter are all Methodists. One married daughter is a Catholic. Mr. Runyon believes that everyone should have the freedom to worship or not worship as he chooses. Therefore he does not advocate outlawing churches.

Of London. Read "The Origin and Evolution of The Idea of a Soul" by Paul La Fargue. Also "The Evolution of the Idea of God," by Grant Allen. The great Robert G. Ingersoll was so far ahead of his time that his lectures are still worth reading. Catch his spirit. Thomas Paine with his "Age of Reason," written in colonial times likewise was way ahead of his time. He will amaze you. "The Golden Bough" by Frazer is another old classic. But a more recent book along the same lines and more upto-date is Homer W.

Of London. Read "The Origin and Evolution of The Idea of a Soul" by Paul La Fargue. Also "The Evolution of the Idea of God," by Grant Allen. The great Robert G. Ingersoll was so far ahead of his time that his lectures are still worth reading. Catch his spirit. Thomas Paine with his "Age of Reason," written in colonial times likewise was way ahead of his time. He will amaze you. "The Golden Bough" by Frazer is another old classic. But a more recent book along the same lines and more upto-date is Homer W.

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