By Kenneth J. Andrien, Lyman L. Johnson
Booklet through Andrien, Kenneth J.
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Moreover, each contribution deals with a specific topic crucial to understanding the nature of the political economy specific of this transitional erathe persistence of a colonial political culture (Timothy E. Anna) and business practices (John E. Kicza); the long-term trends in the political economy of different regions in Spanish America (Brian R. Hamnett, Lyman L. Johnson, and Jerry W. Cooney and Thomas L. Whigham); the importance of state-run enterprises (Susan Deans-Smith and Kendall W. Brown); and finally, the role of state fiscal and commercial policies on economic development (Richard J.
The power of republican-era governments was limited by reduced resources and regional political instability, but there is still strong evidence of important continuities with the colonial era. The national regimes in Spanish America retained many colonial fiscal policies, including Amerindian tribute, commercial and manufacturing monopolies, protective tariffs, and many other restrictive trade regulations. Some historians now contend that essential elements of Spanish colonialism endured until the last quarter of the nineteenth century.
Kenneth J. Andrien traces the links between state fiscal policies and economic dependency in late colonial and early republican Ecuador. As a result of Bourbon fiscal reforms in the 1780s, tax receipts skyrocketed. The colonial state used this burgeoning income to remit ever larger amounts to the metropolis and to increase outlays for public administration and defense. Although the coastal cacao economy flourished during this period, the overall stagnation of the highland textile industry meant that the crown increased revenues by exploiting diminished regional economies more effectively.