Download The Amrita of the Essential Accomplishment: Written by Gelong Ngag-Wang Tashi Paldrub PDF

By Gelong Ngag-Wang Tashi Paldrub

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All one’s evil deeds, obscurations, and downfalls of the three doors are driven out in the manner of sooty liquid, pus, and blood. It 31 J ^ fj^ S j-q q -q ^ l ^ v ^ a r ^ q * ^ q ^ q 'q |^ a r q $ - q ^ 'f * r fqq¿M -q^-qzM ^I^^’q | q í ^ •q = j-q q q -2 ^ j |- q q - |q - | |q | 0 4 - y u j q | 'q g l l ^ ^ - ^ q | ^ '^ q - ^ q q ^ a r ^ a ^ ’3 ^ ’q ^ q W £ I | ^ q * J | j ^ q a r < ^ '^ ’] ^ ’^ *jsr^ q ^ 'sp q | 5j-5j ^ q ^ ^ a j - c i |l q j - ^ - q |^ - q | |^ ^ ' ^ a j - l ^ '^ ^ t 't '^ ^ ^ 'W \\ \% g a r^ q -q ^ M | |^ ^ - ï ï ] q - |- |q |- a i - c q ^ - q g ^ - q ^ q | q q -S j-< W q jq j j ^ a j ^ j - q ^ - | q ’Ç ^ |q q ^ q j u ^ - ^ g - f c ^ ^ q q - 3 ^ - g ^ | 32 jq q - emerges from one s two lower doors, between ones toes, and from all the pores of one s body, and becomes invisible.

8. H ie Condition: Cultivating Loving Kindness and Compassion The Lord Joyful Vajra, Milarepa said: If you do not repay the kindness O f your parents, the six classes of sentient beings, Then you fall astray into the lesser vehicle. Therefore, I beseech you to train in bodhicitta W ith great loving kindness. This is extremely important. There is not a single one of the sentient beings of the three realms of samsara who has not been one s father and mother. The number of times each sentient being has been ones father and mother and benefited one is immeasurable, without limit.

Supplicate the victorious ones who demonstrate passing beyond sorrow {parinirvana) to remain for aeons. ” Thinking one-pointedly [like that], in each session prostrate with your body a thousand times or more, as much as you can. * At this point, for a few days focus on the seven branches and concentrate mainly on doing as many prostrations as you can. 8. H ie Condition: Cultivating Loving Kindness and Compassion The Lord Joyful Vajra, Milarepa said: If you do not repay the kindness O f your parents, the six classes of sentient beings, Then you fall astray into the lesser vehicle.

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