By A. D. Alexandrov, Yu. G. Reshetnyak (auth.)
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Let us add to it the points A, C and B as new vertices. Then we get a new chain C for which, obviously, s(C') ~ s(C). With the point C the chain C' is subdivided into two chains ~ and TJ, where ~ is formed by the vertices of the chain C' lying on the arc [AC] (the point C included), and TJ consists of those vertices of the chain l;' which lie on [CB] (the point C included again). We have: s(C) ~ s(C') = s(~) + s(TJ) ~ s(AC) From this, due to the arbitrariness of s(K) = sup s(C) ~ s(AC) I,; + r;, + s(CB).
Let I: [a, b] - M and g: [c, d] - M be two parametrized curves. Let us assume that there exists a system of chains Z which obeys each of the above parametrized curves. Let us prove that in this case these curves are equivalent. Let us take c > 0 and find the chain ~ E Z, such that A(~) < c. Let Xi' i = 1, 2, ... , m, be a set of this chain. In line with the definition, Xi coincides with the totality of all x = I(t), where t;-I ~ t ~ tj and with the totality of all y = g(u), where ui_1 ~ U ~ u;.
In this case, for any rectifiable curve [{ lying in U, the curve cp(K) in IR n is rectifiable. Proof. Let [{ be a rectifiable curve lying in the domain of definition of an admissible chart cp: U __ IRH. According to the definition, for any point X of the curve K there exists an admissible chart Bx:Vx __ IR n, such that the image of a certain closed neighbourhood of the point X on the curve K is a rectifiable curve in IRn. Applying the Borel theorem we get a certain sequence of the points Xo = A < Xl < ...