By Daniel Balderston, Mike Gonzalez
Written via a workforce of overseas participants this paintings comprises greater than 2 hundred entries on all points of literature. will probably be valuable for these learning Latin American and/or Caribbean literature and the Spanish/Portuguese languages.
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2000, Buenos Aires, Argentina Writer Imbert’s diversity is evidenced by his contributions to the socialist newspaper La Vanguardia from 1931 to 1937, the novel Vigilia (Vigil) (1934), the collection of essays La flecha en el aire (The Arrow in the Air) (1937) and the fantastic (see fantastic literature) short stories of El grimorio (The Other Side of the Mirror) in 1961. He began teaching in 1940. In his canonical yet problematic Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana (Spanish-American Literature: A History) (1954) he categorized literature by generation and offered only impressionistic views of female writers.
Concerned in general with recurrent themes such as perception, childhood and the nature of ‘the Argentine’, his novels always display a subtle humour as well as rich and explosive descriptions. His novel La abeja (The Bee) (1996) is a satire of the terrors felt by the Argentine middle classes. Further reading Aira, Ce´sar (1981) Ema, la cautiva, Buenos Aires: Editorial de Belgrano. —— (1997) La serpiente, Rosario, Argentina: Beatriz Viterbo Editora. —— (1998) The Hare, London and New York: Serpent’s Tail.
Encyclopedia of Latin American Literature, London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 31–3. H. (2002) ‘Jorge Amado’, in C. Sole´ and K. Mu¨ller-Bergh (eds), Latin American Writers: Supplement I, New York: Scribners, 15–30. S. A. I. Abreu (eds), Latin American Writers, New York: Scribners, 3, 1153–62. A. Tauro, A. (1974) Amauta y su influencia, Lima: Empresa Editora Amauta. JUSSI PAKKASVIRTA Amauta A cultural magazine edited monthly by Jose´ Carlos Maria´tegui in Lima between 1926 and 1930, Amauta (the title comes from the Quechua name given to the philosophers of the Inca State) was the leading channel of Maria´tegui’s socialist, anti-imperialist and indigenist ideas as well as a continentally distributed cultural magazine.