By Mrs. S. Randall, Mr. A. Thompson (auth.), Mrs. S. Randall, Mr. A. Thompson (eds.)
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Amerique du Nord Amerique Latine Australasie 5 45 5 45 8 10 10 10 Total 86 81 b) Associate members I Membres associes: In terna tional Europe: Allemagne (BRD) Allemagne (DDR) Belgique Danemark EspagnejSpain Great Britain France Hollande Irlande . I talie . Liechtenstein Norvege Roumanie SuedejSweden . SuissejSwitzerland Tchecoslovaquie AsiejAsia: CoreejKorea Iran Israel Japon Liban Malaisie Afrique: Angola. Botswana. 4 12 2 1967 4 5 2 1968 (J uly) (July) 2 3 4 3 3 4 0 14 3 0 2 0 0 1 1 2 1 0 6 3 3 5 1 25 4 1 2 2 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 0 1 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 40 1967 (July) 1968 (July) 1 0 1 1 1 11 28 1 18 41 Amerique Latine: Bresil 1 1 Australie 2 3 88 139 Afrique (suite) : Egypte .
Distribution (incl. postage) at 2s. per vol. (first 1,000). ;t:350 504 100 ;f95·t Pricc: Li, including postage. (1'0 hooksellers and membcrs of IFLA: 16 shillings). Free copies distributed. . . i) 1 No. of copies sold (to 1968 June 30) U5 = approx. f:670 9) Union catalogues: a directory/Repertoire des catalogues collectifs. (To replace "Guide to union catalogues and international loan centres/Guide des catalogues collectifs et du pret international ", Nijhoff, 1961. L'ancien ouvrage de 1961 etant epuise, une declaration sur un nouvel ouvrage sera faite par M.
The Meeting pointed out that such library systems would provide assured outlets for domestic book production. The need for the compilation of current national bibliographies was also stressed. It is to be notedin this connection that UNESCO's Draft Programme and Budget for 1969-1970 indudes provision for the convening of a meeting in an African country on the planning of documentation and library services which will be similar in scope to those held earlier in Quito and Colombo. Preparation of the activities for 1969 and 1970 is now far advanced.