By Dionysius Lardner
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Disport (dih-SPORT), verb To show off, draw attention to oneself, or behave in a playful way. If dis sport is a diversion, you’re said to disport at a sporting event. Those two teens are acting like little kids as they disport at Disneyland. disseminate (dih-SEH-muh-nate), verb To distribute or spread information or something else; to spread far and wide. Once information about colleges was received, the counselor had to decide how to disseminate the brochures and flyers. dissolution (dih-suh-LOO-shun), noun The disintegration of a thing into fragments, parts, or smaller, more basic units.
Convalescence (kon-vuh-LEH-sunce), noun Time spent resting, recovering, and regaining one’s health after an illness or medical treatment. ” Those people who believe convalescence is done better at home don’t have twoyear-old twins. convivial (kun-VIV-yul), adjective Enjoyable because of friendliness and amicability; festive and sociable. Given to eating, drinking, and socializing. It was very surprising that the prom was so convivial, given that adolescents can often be competitive and taunting.
Ed would elucidate his feelings, transforming Stephanie into a lucid date. Only Jordan could elucidate upon his motivations and why he behaved in certain ways.