By C. Truesdell
Thermodynamics is the dominion additionally of operating present background in addition to polemics, let alone verbosity. In no different self-discipline have an analogous equations been released time and again such a lot of occasions through diversified authors in numerous ill-defined notations and consequently claimed as his personal by means of every one; in no different has a unmarried writer noticeable healthy to put up primarily an analogous principles time and again inside a interval of 20 years; and nowhere else is the ratio of speak and excuse to cause and outcome so excessive. In no different a part of mathematical physics have such a lot of claims and counterclaims of precedence been issued by means of the best creators of the topic, and in no different have those comparable males became apart from learn to write down historic papers or lengthy his-torifal notes inside a decade or in their first assaults at the concept itself. Small ask yourself then that histories and historic papers through secondary authors and historians abound, but the sector turns out ever clean to the newcomer.
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DS = βdQ is the total differential of the function S(β, λ1 , . . , λS ) = N (ln z + βE) + const. 5) § 5. Relation to thermodynamics 33 Proof reduces to the computation of partial derivatives of the function S: 1 N 1 N ∂S ∂ ln z ∂E ∂E ∂E = +E +β = −E + E + β =β , ∂β ∂β ∂β ∂β ∂β ∂S ∂ ln z ∂E ∂E = +β = −βλi + β . ∂λi ∂λi ∂λi ∂λi Now, let us compute dS: dS =N β ∂E dβ + ∂β N β(dE − β ∂E − pi dλi = ∂λi pi dλi ) = βdQ. 6) Note that the entropy is only determined up to an additive constant. the following question naturally arises: Question.
2) We can consider the gases A and B before the partition between them was removed and they had been intermixed as a united system whose phase space L1 is the product of phase spaces LA and LB of gases A and B. Obviously, L1 is a part of the phase space L of the system obtained from gases A and B as a result of removing the partition and intermixing: L = {(p(α) , q (α) ) | q (α) ∈ K}, L1 = {(p(α) , q (α) ) | q (α) ∈ KA or q (α) ∈ KB }, K = K A ∪ KB . The group S1 = SA × SB , consisting of the permutations of coordinates of particles of gases A and B separately, acts in the space L1 .
Real gases We may assume that the interaction between the subsystems Cα1 is small. Since, due to the fact that the potential v(q) has a compact support, the energy of interaction of subsystems vα,β is of the same order of magnitude as the area of the surface that separates the volumes Ωα , whereas the potential energy of the system is proportional to the volume of Ωα and is therefore much larger. Obviously, from the physical point of view, the replacement of the initial system C by an auxiliary system C 1 is unsatisfactory: the presence of impenetrable walls changes the properties of the gas confined in Ω: For example, it makes the large-scale (as compared with the size of Ωα ) movements of molecules (such as wind) impossible.