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By Robert Nisbet

This essay in social and highbrow heritage advances the thesis that Western social philosophy arose throughout the disintegration of the traditional Greek and Roman groups and has been preoccupied ever for the reason that with the matter of group misplaced and group to be won. because the writer indicates, Western principles of ethical authority, freedom, consensus, and character tackle their special personality as points of Western

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Individualism T h e third elem ent basic to the m ilitary com m unity is individualism . T his may seem surprising to m any readers. Individualism , in w hat we are inclined to regard as the mechanized, regim ented forces of war, serving under the despotic com m and of the m ilitary leader? N onethe­ less, individualism is a quality of m ind fundam ental to the m ilitary ■ 17 l8 • THE MILITARY COMMUNITY organization, most especially the prim itive kind, in which resourceful­ ness of m ind, m ore often found in youthful im agination than in elderly caution, is itself a vital expression of individualism .

T h e family, not the individual, was the irreducible u n it of tradition and law in the R om an R epublic down u n til the time of the Augustan reform s, which I shall come to in a m om ent. U n til very late in the history of the republic, the family was m ade to bear responsibility for most indi­ vidual offenses, and it was the prim e agency of re trib u tio n for injuries suffered by one of its members. Som ething akin to a highly stabilized, fully accepted blood feud existed under the patria potestas.

T h e second m ain step was no less fundam ental; indeed it was pos­ sibly m ore so, given the ingenious m an n er in which Cleisthenes fused it • 31 32 • TH E M ILITARY C O M M UNITY w ith the first step. T h is involved the establishm ent in Athens of a h u n ­ dred small townships or counties called demes, all equal in size, each a ter­ rito rial rather than a personal unity, w ith distinct boundaries like those existing today am ong our townships, counties, and precincts. H enceforth all A thenians w ould belong not merely to one or other of the ten m ilitary tribes b u t also to one or other of the h u n d red territorial demes.

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