Download The Mentally Handicapped Adolescent. The Slough Project of by Eileen P. Baranyay PDF

By Eileen P. Baranyay

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The extensive research work of O'Connor and Claridge has shown the effect of good incentive conditions on performance levels and of the force of encouragement in particular. In consequence efforts were made in the Slough workshop to produce good incentive conditions. At first, use was made of visual incentives, but they met with only partial success and their effects weakened as the novelty wore off. They were particularly effective if there was an element of emergency that gave meaning to the work.

Here the director, Mr. Flanders, writes as follows: T h e residents of the Hostel are closely physically related and easy social contact is not only possible but indeed encouraged, between the young men and women. This in itself is different from the usual hospital regime where the sexes are often rigidly separated. Differ- 38 / The Mentally Handicapped Adolescent ences in accommodation are even more marked. In contrast to the institution with its large, impersonal wards, the young people of Slough enjoy a high standard of comfort and privacy.

This trial and error approach towards leisure activities and the readiness to learn through experiment may have been an additional factor in maintaining that dynamic atmosphere in the hostel which has been previously discussed. The width of implication of the term "leisure activities" was considered by some to afford adequate opportunity for growth of individual interests with very little need for specific organization from without. Hostel life, with its homely setting, membership of a peer group of mixed sexes, and continuous community contacts were felt to constitute adequate structure to the leisure hours.

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