Download Technische Thermodynamik: Eine Einfuehrung in die Thermo- by Ernst Becker PDF

By Ernst Becker

For when you could have a tree endure extra fruit than it hath used to do, it's not something you are able to do to the boughs, however it is the stirring of the earth and placing new mold concerning the roots that needs to paintings it. Francis Bacon Wozu ein neues Buch tiber Technische Thermodynamik angesichts der quickly untiberseh baren Vielzahl von Btichern tiber dieses Thema, die zur Zeit irn Umlauf sind? Eine be friedigende Antwort auf diese berechtigte Frage kann dem Leser irn Grunde nur die vollstiindige Lektiire dieses Buches geben. Trotzdem will ich kurz die wichtigsten Mo tive und Ziele andeuten, die mich dazu gebracht haben, das Buch zu schreiben. Den entscheidenden AnstoB zum Schreiben gab mir eine Vorlesung "Einflihrung in die Fluid- und Thermodynamik," die ich mehrmals flir Studenten der Regelungstechnik an der Technischen Hochschule Darmstadt gehalten habe. used to be die Fluidmechanik betrifft, habe ich den Studenten mein Buch "Technische Stromungslehre" (5. Aufl. 1982, B. G. Teubner) und die mit E. Pi!tz gemeinsam verfaBten "Obungen zur Technischen Stro mungslehre" (3. Aufl. 1984, B. G. Teubner) empfohlen. Auf die "Technische Stro mungslehre" beziehe ich mich ofters in dem vorliegenden Buch, das in verschiedener Hinsicht als deren Fortsetzung verstanden werden kann, so wie auch in der erwahnten Vorlesung die Thermodynamik ohne Bruch an die Fluidmechanik anschioB und aufviel fache Weise mit dieser verflochten wurde, vor allem bei der Behandlung von Gasstro mungen und Stromungsmaschinen.

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But before we mention some of them, it is important to emphasize two main trends of this evolution. 1. Carbon dioxide atmospheric content and temperature: the greenhouse effect Five hundred million years ago the atmosphere already contained a substantial amount of oxygen, but its carbon dioxide content was still high, roughly 20 times higher than what it is to day. The average global temperature had cooled down till about 10 degrees Celsius higher than it is now. The combination of a high carbon dioxide atmospheric content and a high temperature also occurred simultaneously in more recent times.

Again, the 100 W or so that our body dissipates end up as heat: our body operates at 37 degrees centigrades, a temperature higher than that of the environment under normal conditions (perspiration can help us survive in slightly higher temperatures). We take in energy in the form of food (chemical energy), and eject it as heat into the environment. This occurs even if we do not perform any physical work. Why is that? Clearly, we are different in this respect from all the equipment we use. When appliances are switched off, no energy is spent.

3 kW. 7 kW in India). Modern societies are evidently extraordinarily complex systems. We may consider them as a form of living entity. Just like our body does, modern society needs some kind of “food energy” to keep itself going. Our body looks the same from one day to the next, but it is not actually quite the same since cells have died and have been replaced, others have been repaired. Chemicals that could potentially poison it have been eliminated. This occurs thanks to How Much Energy do We Need?

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