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By Nigel Benson, Piero

'Introducing Psychiatry' deals a transparent advisor to psychiatric classifications and coverings of psychological disturbances, tracing psychiatry's background and investigating its destiny within the postmodern electronic age.

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B a b a a 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. c a c a c Check Your Understanding: Short Answer 1. Simon becomes sick when he sees the man in the parachute, but he also feels pity for him. 2. The boys are laughing, singing, eating, and playing. 3. Jack feels he owns the boys and has total authority, so he wants the boys to do as he says. 4. The boys become more violent as the chanting continues and the desire to kill rises. 5. Piggy shifts his lens from one eye to the other to see more clearly. 6. He claims it was dark, people were scared, and that it was simply an accident.

7. The boys go silent and do not answer. 8. This time the clearing is very hot and threatening. 9. Ralph starts asking Piggy questions about life and why things break up the way they do. 10. The boys go to the campfire to have fun and eat meat. Deepen Your Understanding Answers will vary. V. Chapters 9–10 Build Your Vocabulary Wording and definitions may vary. Students may remember the definitions given in the Vocabulary Words to Know section of Focus Your Reading, or they may refine the definitions based on the context and the reading overall.

He thinks it was murder. 1. What is Simon anxious to tell the other boys about? a. He wants to tell them about the Lord of the Flies. b. He wants to tell them what the beast on the mountain actually is. c. He wants to tell them that he needs help for his injuries. 7. What does Jack plan to take from Ralph’s group? a. their fire b. their shelters c. their food 2. When Ralph arrives at the party, what does Jack offer him? a. meat b. the conch c. his seat on the log 8. What other purpose besides a rescue signal does the fire serve for Ralph’s group?

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