By B. Starck (auth.), K.-H. Hellwege, A. M. Hellwege (eds.)
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B (and C) -J20 VI0(4 J20 410 = (2>83 +0,05) MC/: 510 = 0>99ztO,Ol [Jzo. B Xr. Molecule MC/S 53 SPHD,NCS v=o B = 1448,947 fO,O33 c = 1440,283 Ito, 1412,403 fO,O23 1377,047&0,028 zont. SPD,NCS SiaoDaNCS 53a B”H,CO B*OH,CO Dn DJR (and C) V v=o v=o v=o 8657>22 8980,l v=o Ref. a1 MC/S Ref. 877 B55, J27 T24. 1 = 7331,96fo>l B = 7095,09~0,1 J6 T24, T77 T24, T71 T24, T71 T24, T77 T77 T77 DJ =0,003 DJK=O,I~ DJ -0,002 TII C =6982,56~0,1 7355>75f0>05 T77 6 734,31&0,03 T24, T II DJ =o,ool DJK =0,12 DJ <0,004 DJR=o,ll DJ m0,002 DJK=0,102 DJ ~0,002 DJg = o,ogo Ref.
Molecule B (and C) V MC/S 60 CH,C=C-C=CH v=o 2035,741&0,02 RJ. Ref. 84 1881,SS 1834>856ztO,O2 v, = 1 v=o 9, Ref. MC/S Ref. , rz: degenerate tional mode r10. 0140 = 0,0021 f0,0003 0,063 &-0,001 3J = 0,0024f0,0003 ~JK = 0,0615 &0,0014 3J Remarks, Nr. Z-C=C’3D CD,C=C-C=CH MC/S Ref. 6,6( [H6] jIo : degenerate bending vibration, z 205 cm-l rlo = (1>8933 f & 0,0047) MC/S ;lo = o,go+o,oz LG3-I Molecule rTr. ) = 1 4708,78&0,02 v(6,) =I 4720,52&0,02 v(&) =I 4713>73*0>10 v (eJ = 1 4704,10~0,10 v=o 4=4704,34&0,02 B=4610,46fO,O2 Ref.
2) Coriolis coupling constants for the jth and j’” normal vibration referred to the ordered principal axes [IV 731 (g = a, b, and c) type, frequency, or wave number of the normal vibration classification of the vibrational symmetry species : A, a : nondegenerate, symmetric ; B, b : nondegenerate, antisymmetric ; E, e : degenerate Bemerkungen zu den vorangegangenen Spalten und Angabe von Konstanten, die nur bei wenigen Molekeln dieser Tabelle bestimmt wurden : Rotations-Schwingungswechselwirkungskonstanten der j-ten Normalschwingung bezogen auf die geordneten Haupttragheitsachsen a, b und c, siehe Gl.