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By Stefan Nimmrichter

Matter‐wave interferometry is a promising and winning strategy to discover really macroscopic quantum phenomena and probe the validity of quantum thought on the borderline to the vintage global. certainly, we might quickly witness quantum superpositions with nano to micrometer-sized items. but, venturing deeper into the macroscopic area isn't just an experimental but in addition a theoretical endeavour: new interferometers has to be conceived, resources of noise and decoherence pointed out, measurement results understood and attainable changes of the speculation taken under consideration. This thesis presents the theoretical history to contemporary advances in molecule and nanoparticle interferometry. additionally, it features a actual and goal way to investigate the measure of macroscopicity of such experiments, score them between different macroscopic quantum superposition phenomena.

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In practice, one of the cavity modes can play the role of the pump mode when driven by a strong mode-matched laser. An alternative two-dimensional implementation is sketched in Fig. 4, where the pump field is generated in a different (free laser or driven cavity) mode oriented perpendicularly to the empty cavity axis. This configuration may be favourable in practice, as it avoids a strong dipole force along the cavity axis as well as the need for selective single-mode driving of a (possibly degenerate) multimode cavity.

Here I make use of the canonical field quantization procedure [44–46] and replace the coherent field amplitude and its complex conjugate by the annihilation and creation operators in the expressions for the physical fields, 2 ω0 a0 u 0 (r) , ε0 V0 2 a0 ∇ × u 0 (r) . 54) † This results in the free field Hamiltonian H0 = ω0 a0 a0 + 1/2 , where the constant term is dropped for convenience. In order to describe a driven cavity mode one must include the driving field leaking into the cavity and the losses leaking out.

Unfortunately, we are now running into trouble when we try to make this equation time-local by setting t0 = t. Temporal inversion of the particle evolution L P is not allowed due to the non-unitary contributions Labs,sca of absorption and Rayleigh scattering, which increase the entropy of the particle state by diffusion. Fortunately, we can generally neglect the non-unitary parts when the weakcoupling conditions hold. 75) involves only time periods τ of the order of the cavity lifetimes 1/κn as the rapid 44 2 Interaction of Polarizable Particles with Light cavity decay term in exp (LC τ ) suppresses the coupling term L I .

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