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By Gregory S., ed. Mahler

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I now turn to this legacy. The Ideological Legacy of Menachem Begin For about a quarter of a century before he became Israel's premier, especially since he assumed control of the IZL, Menachem Begin had been the chief spokesman of the Zionist Right. When he resigned Israel's premiership he left behind a well-defined, explicit, highly developed ideology, a belief system that is likely to continue to influence those who see themselves as his disciples and many others. Therefore, it is important to identify some of the main components of Begin's thinking and to analyze their implications for the future.

For Herzl the overwhelming Zionist goal was, simply put, Jewish survival, and he believed that it should be achieved in a modern, Western, liberal society in Palestine or elsewhere. For Labor the Zionist dream was that of a model society based on principles of equality and sharing. The Revisionists argued for national grandeur, military might, conquest and expansion, not merely survival. They demanded a move from total insecurity to total security, from being dominated by others to the domination of others, from statelessness to powerful statehood.

When there is ‫ ״‬n o other choice," the conditions justify self-defense; Begin, however, argued for The Legacy of Begin 45 additional reasons for the use of violence, and was willing to use military might rather extensively to achieve a large number of political goals. Summary On the whole, then, Menachem Begin's legacy is extremely important for the future of the Israeli polity. First, he facilitated the development of a bipartisan system in Israel, enabling voters to make more meaningful choices between alternative policies.

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