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By G. Richard Jansen

Entrance Cover......Page 1
Diet overview: A consultant to making plans a fit Diet......Page 4
Copyright Page......Page 5
Table of Contents......Page 6
Introduction......Page 10
Nutritional criteria and Guidelines......Page 11
Who Are instructions For?......Page 13
Basis of nutrition Guide......Page 14
Materials Needed......Page 18
Step-by-Step directions for comparing nutrients Intake......Page 21
Expanding the nutrition consultant with Recipe evaluate and knowledge from nutrition Labels......Page 30
Summary......Page 33
Chapter 2. overall healthiness merchandising and ailment Prevention......Page 35
Prevalence......Page 36
Factors considering the advance of Obesity......Page 37
Controlling Appetite......Page 39
Achieving long term Weight Control......Page 41
Prevalence......Page 44
What Is heart Disease?......Page 45
Diet-Related danger Factors......Page 46
Role of Diet......Page 48
What Is Diabetes?......Page 51
Type 2 (Non-Insulin-Dependent) Diabetes......Page 52
Occurrence and Cause......Page 54
Reasons for Concern......Page 56
Role of Diet......Page 57
Causes of Cancer......Page 60
Cancer Initiation......Page 61
Dietary Fiber......Page 62
Chapter 7. Osteoporosis......Page 64
Guideline three: stay away from an excessive amount of fats, Saturated fats, and Cholesterol......Page 65
Guideline 6: stay away from an excessive amount of Sodium......Page 66
Summary of nutrition Recommendations......Page 67
Chapter nine. vitamin advisor Nutrient Nutri-Unit Tables......Page 68
Appetizers and Snack Foods......Page 70
Beverages......Page 76
Breads, Pastas, and Grain Products......Page 83
Breakfast, All Items......Page 92
Cooking materials and Sauces......Page 103
Dairy items and Eggs......Page 110
Desserts and Sweets......Page 116
Fruits and Fruit Juices......Page 135
Main Dishes......Page 157
Main Dishes, Combinations......Page 172
Salads, Relishes, and Salad Dressings......Page 180
Sandwiches and Soups......Page 186
Vegetables (fresh, frozen, canned)......Page 198
Chapter 10. Menu goods With greatest amounts Of Nutrients......Page 210
Menu goods with greatest volume of Protein......Page 211
Menu goods with greatest volume of Sugar......Page 215
Menu goods with greatest volume of Fat......Page 219
Menu goods with greatest volume of Saturated Fat......Page 223
Menu goods with greatest volume of Polyunsaturated Fat......Page 227
Menu goods with greatest volume of Cholesterol......Page 231
Menu goods with greatest volume of Sodium......Page 235
Menu goods with greatest volume of diet A......Page 239
Menu goods with greatest volume of nutrition C......Page 243
Menu goods with Maximu volume of Thiamin......Page 247
Menu goods with greatest volume of Riboflavin......Page 251
Menu goods with greatest volume of nutrition B6......Page 255
Menu goods with greatest volume of Calcium......Page 259
Menu goods with greatest volume of Iron......Page 263
Menu goods with greatest volume of Zinc......Page 267
Menu goods with greatest volume of Potassium......Page 271
Menu goods with greatest volume of nutritional Fiber......Page 275
Index of nutrition goods in Nutri-Unit Tables......Page 280

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A good place to start is to keep a record of all foods eaten for a day or preferably a week. This can be done on the Diet Guide Worksheets included with this Guide. Note when, where, why, and with whom each food was eaten on a separate sheet or diary. Next, use the food sections of the Guide to look up and record the calories (or more precisely kilocalories) and nutrients in each of the foods consumed. Use this information to identify how many calories you are taking in and which foods are high in calories and low in nutrients.

6 How to Use This Guide 5. Evaluate the diet according to the following guidelines: Total at the goal needed to attain desired Calories weight Total at or above the goal Protein Total carbohydrate Total within a range of ± 1 0 nutri-units on either side of goal Dietary fiber Total at or above the goal (maximum 35 nutriunits) Sugars Total fats Saturated fat Totals at or below goals, with saturated fat Polyunsaturated fat supplying no more nutri-units than polyunCholesterol saturated fat Sodium Vitamin A Vitamin C Thiamin Riboflavin Vitamin B Calcium Iron Zinc > Totals at or above goals 6 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention That the public has a high degree of interest in the role of nutrition in health is apparent from the many articles on the subject in national news magazines and newspapers as well as in traditionally women's magazines.

This is the case especially for patients with diabetes, many of whom show greater elevations of triglycerides than cholesterol in their serum. Role of Diet What is the role of diet in heart disease? This is a question that has intrigued and baffled scientists and practioners alike for most of this century. The most recent report from the National Academy of Sciences, entitled "Diet and Health," is useful as a summary of the state of our knowledge on this important issue today. Although there is much we know, there remain many questions still to be answered.

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