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Includes various system names, such as component cooling water, emergency equipment cooling water, essential equipment cooling water, reactor building closed cooling water, auxiliary building closed cooling water and essential service water. 2. Includes various system names such as low pressure safety injection, shutdown cooling, and decay heat rem_wal. 1 Service Applications (Circulating Fluids) The characteristics and/or properties of the circulating fluids define the service application. The heat exchangers included in the scope of this AMG transfer heat from one system to another.

Accessibility for testing ensures a method of detecting degradation. 11] focuses on the license renewal requirements in 10 CFR 54. The format and content of the integrated plant assessment, to be prepared in support of license renewal application, is described. The primary purpose of the assessment is to determine the effectiveness of plant programs to detect and mitigate age-related degradation of SSCs. This document identifies each system which may be important to license renewal and is intended to be used by the NRC staff during performance of safety reviews of applications for renewal of nuclear power licenses.

The support system is designed with one end of the shell welded to a supporting saddle and the other end bolted to provide for shell expansion. ). These heat exchangers are of a simple design, construction, and maintenance. They are designed for easy cleaning of the raw water (tube) side. The most common orientation is horizontal. 3-12 AGING MANAGEMENT GUIDELINE FOR HEAT EXCHANGERS Fin-Coil Type Heat Exchangers Fin-coil units include a steel housing containing an inlet opening, finned cooling coils, a fan-motor unit, and an air outlet opening.

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