By A Grothendieck
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N. (1960b). Exptl. Parasitol. 10, 227-231. Yaeger, R. , and Miller, O. N. (1960c). Exptl. Parasitol. 10, 232-237. Yaeger, R. , and Miller, O. N. (1960d). Exptl. Parasitol. 10, 238-244. Yaeger, R. , and Miller, O. N. (1963a). Exptl. Parasitol. 14, 9-14. Yaeger, R. , and Miller, O. N. (1963b). J. Nutr. 81, 169-174. Yaeger, R. , and Miller, O. N. (1963c). Proc. 7th Intern. Congr. Trop. Med. Malaria, 1968 Vol. 2, p. 235. Congress Secretariat. , Upmanis, R. , and Most, H. (1966). In "Research in Malaria" (E.
Ingested), no specific relationship need exist between it and its host. In contrast, when a bloodinhabiting parasite is required to adapt to existence either in the plasma or in a blood corpuscle in order to survive, certain specific problems have to be overcome. If it is an intracellular parasite, it must, for example, make its way into the host cell either by physical or by enzymatic means. The ability or the inability of a parasite to pass such barriers plays a role in defining the susceptibility of a given host to a given parasite.