Download The TUC: From the General Strike to New Unionism by Robert Taylor (auth.) PDF

By Robert Taylor (auth.)

Robert Taylor examines essentially the most vital personalities and occasions that formed the Trades Union Congress throughout the 20th century, from the overall Strike of 1926 to the hot Unionism of the Nineteen Nineties. The learn comprises snap shots of Walter Citrine, founding father of the fashionable TUC, in addition to Ernest Bevin, Arthur Deaking, Frank Cousins, George Woodcock, Vic Feather, Jack Jones, Len Murray, Norman Willis and John Monks.

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They can offer prizes while they take liberties. "! It is true that the 1927 Act turned out in practice to be much less oppressive to the trade unions than they had initially feared, but it was to remain a constant source of irritation to the TUC until its eventual repeal by the Labour government in 1946. Even during the Second World War Churchill was not prepared to accede to the demand that the measure should either be shelved or repealed despite persistent TUC lobbying. The Act was always regarded by the TUC as a vindictive use of state power against the interests of organised labour.

But at no stage was he prepared to risk a public confrontation with union leaders over such a fundamental issue. 'I tried steadily to take the initiative in all those questions of general policy which were of common interest', he admitted. What Citrine would really have liked to have created was a strong and dominant TUC which could act as an effective countervailing influence to the Confederation of Employers' Organisations and the Federation of British Industry. As he admitted in his memoirs, the real problem was not trade union structure but power - 'the power to act on policy issues in a cohesive manner'.

Such a union would have its central executive endowed with executive power corresponding to that of our national centralised trade unions. The executive would be representative of the various industrial groups in which the members were engaged. The work of the union would be departmentalised to conform to those industries and would be staffed by specialists with a knowledge of the work of their members. In its local or geographical relations, the one big union would have its branches in the various areas, each of which would be departmentalised in a similar manner to the national executive.

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