By T. Parla
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Occupanonal elhics eXISI onl\' In Ihe most rudimentary stal(. 11 I~ Ihl' anomlC ~1ate that 15 the cause, a~ we shall :;how, of the Incessantly recunem COl, niCl~. >o sac a sJ)('C! t .. , hom this. 11 follows! hat as Ihe world is only feebly ruied bv morall· 1\'. eSI part of Ihen eXI:;lence lakes place outside the moral sphere. " 10 be fixed :;llongly In us, the cIrcumstances In whie}l W( if,,/;, mml keep us awake. Naturally. we are not mclined to thwan and Je:;nam ourselves; if, Ihen. we are nO!
4~ (\, Implies no political expansIOnism and unificallon be~ond splfl1ual umty, 01 rather affimty m lanpuagc. iiI era lUre, and culture. Another poem. 1ng culturallles wllhoUI appealing: to xenophobIa. He wrote that the Turk "listens to the vOIce of the West, and makes the West hear hIS vOIce" and thai "hIS golden ape does nOl fade out from hIS heart. ,,~~ \Vhat Interests us here IS not GokaJp's reOectlons on the anClenl Turkish civilizatJon, cosmology, reli~lon. =" and IllS socioloplcal concepllon of the nc· tlon m peneraL To be sure.
GbKALP'S SOCIAL AND POLITICAL PHILOSOPH) . c. \~ ... ,a,nges by lIsel,~ ~:mJ~'. :ard by force. "l~" In a related anKJe on the "Interrelatlonshlp of Culture and Civilizallon" (1918),1I Gokalp elaborated upon the attributes of tile IWO socia1 groups and ') norms. Culture IS nonMutilitanan (/wsbf). aitrU1SIlC (bunenjaar). ,~lCU). J: From these comrastlng traits of culture and civilizaoon Gokalr dedu,ced certaIn ge_nerallzatlons, which ~e presemed a~ a SOCiologlca: la\¥ ~ " '. ~J,:!! ~:;~ . ,::,iij~,~1_1qn but s~p,efl~r, m, ,c,~I~,\l,f~ over cam; naIlon?