By F. Conti
This ebook examines extensive the speculation, instrumental innova tions, capability functions and barriers of different options -- NMR, EPR, DSC, spectrofluorimetry, and electron microscopy -- which are being used to enquire the functionality and constitution of organic membranes and their version platforms. seasoned viding an outline of the current prestige of study, this e-book provides proof of the complementary nature of data generated by way of various suggestions, reminding one of many necessity to create a typical language and perspective of membranes. F. Conti W. E. Blumberg J. De Gier F. Pocchiari v CONTENTS actual equipment on organic membranes and their version process: A standpoint . • • • • • . • • • • • • . • 1 F. Conti, J. de Gier and W. E. Blumberg excessive solution NMR spectroQcopy in beverages and solids • • five T. Axenrod easy rules of deuterium and phosphorus-31-magnetic resonance 27 J. Seelig Use of electron spin resonance to check complicated organic membranes . . •••. •••••••••. •. • 39 H. M. Swartz Freeze-etching electron microscopy: contemporary advancements and software to the examine of organic membranes and their elements. • • . • • . • • • • . • • •• fifty five T. Gu1ik-Krzywicki the character of intramembraneous debris • • • • • • • •. seventy three A. J. Verk1eij Lateral and polymorphic part transitions in terms of the barrier functionality of a lipid membrane. • • • . • eighty one J. de Gier, C. J. A. van Echte1d, J. A.
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1 G, 100 !! 5 50 E .... If! 5 0 5 10 15 Time After Mitotic Selection (hrl Fig. 5. The relationship between A and the cell cycle. It is assuaed that Az is a valid measure ~f relative motional freedom in the membrane. Because of the smaller volume of cells required for studies at 35 GRz. changes in motion of the 1(12,3) spin label could be studied in synchronized CHO cells (from Lai et al •• 1980). 45 Figures 3 and 5 provide examples of the usefulness of determining order parameters over a variety of experimental conditions and in association with other experimental parameters, in order to reach conclusions on complex biological systems.
5] W. Maier and A. Saupe, Eine einfache molekulare Theorie des nematischen kristallinfllissigen Zustandes, Z. Naturforschung 13a:564 (1958). [6] H. Schindler and J. Seelig, EPR spectra of spin labels in lipid bilayer, J. Chem. Phys. 59:1841 (1973) [7] J. Seelig, Deuterium magnetic resonance: theory and application to lipid membranes, Quart. Rev. Biophys. 10:353 (1977). H. Mantsch, H. P. Smith, Deuterium magnetic resonance. Applications in chemistry, physics and biology, Progr. NMR Spectroscopy 11:211 (1977).
1). If the motion of the spin label is limited to motion about this axis (the long axis of the spin labeled fatty acid) the splitting due to Az will not be averaged out. In the ESR spectra of such spin labels one can distinguish features (usually termed Til and T1 or An and AI) that report on these two types of motions and then calculate an "order" parameter, S. (Fig. 2). In some spectra both of these features may not be distinguishable and order parameters termed SI or Su may be calculated using only the features that are available.