Download Morales de résistance : Husserl, Bloch, Orwell by Jorge Semprún PDF

By Jorge Semprún

Vienne, mai 1935... Edmund Husserl prononce une conférence sur l. a. « philosophie dans l. a. crise de l’humanité européenne ». Cette extraordinaire conférence est los angeles première ébauche de l. a. suggestion de supranationalité dans l’histoire de los angeles pensée européenne.

Quelque half en France, 1940. Marc Bloch, historien du Moyen Âge, fondateur de l’École des Annales, rédige un courtroom témoignage sur l. a. défaite de los angeles France, L’Étrange Défaite. Ce testomony intellectuel est un plaidoyer pour le renouvellement de l’esprit démocratique.

Londres, 1940-1941. Sous le Blitz aérien de l. a. Luftwaffe, alors que l’Angleterre tient seule tête à l’Empire nazi, George Orwell rédige l’essai « Le lion et los angeles licorne » qui exalte les vertus du patriotisme démocratique.
Trois intellectuels très différents, trois œuvres dissemblables et visionnaires, trois vies exemplaires animées par un même esprit de résistance. Dans ces textes d’hommage inédits, Jorge Semprún montre une fois encore l’Européen d’exception qu’il fut.

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47 Zealots like Rosenberg—armed with the significant resources of non-government, anti-gun benefactors Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, and innumerable foundations and private funding sources—will continue to provide tools outside the regular order of our constitutionally based government, with which policy makers like Clinton and Obama will be able to press their agenda even in the face of clear, contrary congressional directives. ”50 There was no particular basis in law or other regulations for this “multiple sales reporting requirement,” and it was disingenuously published by the ATF as an emergency rule change.

If these reports are true, the President would make a huge balloon payment on ENDA. 33 But it is unclear if these rules extend to a refusal to hire or retain a staffer who professes the religion of the contractor or grantee but who engages in immoral sexual conduct (which would be the case, for example, even if a staffer was civilly married to a member of the same sex). The Obama administration would likely deny that immoral conduct by a co-religionist qualifies for the exception. Or would it insist that the “equal dignity” of staffers of a different SOGI constitutes a compelling government interest that all those who do business with the federal government must honor?

Moreover, the relevant legislative history does not demonstrate that Congress intended to limit the premium tax credit to State Exchanges. 42 Months later, under pressure from members of Congress to offer a more complete explanation, the Department of the Treasury began to | 22 | LIBERTY’S NEMESIS identify potential authority for its rule. ”44 “Such exchange,” according to Treasury, is a Section 1311 exchange and should be treated as such for the purposes of authorizing tax credits and cost-sharing subsidies.

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