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By Nancy Robinson Masters

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Military? Will you become a drone pilot one day? 21st Century Skills Library C o o l M i l i ta r y C a r e e r s drone pilot Glossary aircraft carriers (AIR-kraft KAR-ee-urz) warships with a large, flat deck where aircraft take off and land drone (DROHN) an unmanned aerial vehicle that is controlled remotely hover (HUHV-ur) to remain in one place in the air intelligence (in-TEL-uh-juhnts) information gathered and used by government agencies to plan and make important decisions rank (RANGK) official job level or position reconnaissance (ri-KON-uh-zuhnts) a survey of an area to gather information recruiter (ri-KROO-tur) a military employee in charge of signing up new members and providing information to people who are interested in joining the military remotely (ri-MOHT-lee) from far away sensor (SEN-suhr) instrument that can detect and measure changes and transmit the information to a controlling device simulators (SIM-yuh-lay-turz) machines that allow you to perform a task, such as flying a plane, by imitating the conditions and controls surveillance (sur-VAY-luntz) close observation of a person or group tactics (TAK-tiks) plans or methods to win a battle tarmac (TAR-mak) the area of an airfield where craft take off and land For More Information Books Hamilton, John.

S. military? Will you become a drone pilot one day? 21st Century Skills Library C o o l M i l i ta r y C a r e e r s drone pilot Glossary aircraft carriers (AIR-kraft KAR-ee-urz) warships with a large, flat deck where aircraft take off and land drone (DROHN) an unmanned aerial vehicle that is controlled remotely hover (HUHV-ur) to remain in one place in the air intelligence (in-TEL-uh-juhnts) information gathered and used by government agencies to plan and make important decisions rank (RANGK) official job level or position reconnaissance (ri-KON-uh-zuhnts) a survey of an area to gather information recruiter (ri-KROO-tur) a military employee in charge of signing up new members and providing information to people who are interested in joining the military remotely (ri-MOHT-lee) from far away sensor (SEN-suhr) instrument that can detect and measure changes and transmit the information to a controlling device simulators (SIM-yuh-lay-turz) machines that allow you to perform a task, such as flying a plane, by imitating the conditions and controls surveillance (sur-VAY-luntz) close observation of a person or group tactics (TAK-tiks) plans or methods to win a battle tarmac (TAR-mak) the area of an airfield where craft take off and land For More Information Books Hamilton, John.

Researchers and scientists at a laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio are experimenting with drones that can imitate the flight of moths and hawks. They are also working to shrink drones that can spy and strike to the size of insects. S. military hopes to have swarms of these “spy flies” operating. S. military comes to rely more on UAVs, the future for drone pilots looks to be busy. The air force’s current staff of about 350 drone pilots and their support crews have been pushed to their limits.

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