Download Carbonate Rocks Origin, Occurrence and Classification by George V. Chilingar, Harold J. Bissell and Rhodes W. PDF

By George V. Chilingar, Harold J. Bissell and Rhodes W. Fairbridge (Eds.)

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1959), and between Pleistocene islands along the western edge of Exuma Sound. Most modern carbonates owe their origin to accumulation of bioclastic debris. If particle grain size is much smaller than 50 p, however, it is extremely difficult to see identifiable organic structure or outlines. Moreover, as grain size approaches 10 p, or smaller, the particles are commonly aragonite needles, which, based on shape alone, cannot be distinguished from aragonite needles artificially precipitated from sea water (REVELLE and FLEMING, 1934).

Moreover, as grain size approaches 10 p, or smaller, the particles are commonly aragonite needles, which, based on shape alone, cannot be distinguished from aragonite needles artificially precipitated from sea water (REVELLE and FLEMING, 1934). The difficulty of determining origin of modern carbonates is not restricted solely to fine particles. Although the size of ooids, grapestones, pellets and composite grains may be as large as 1 mm, they are generally made up of thousands of fine particles ( < 10 p).

Une description gtognostique qui traitera des phknombnes de nos roches dans leur ensemble, tels que leur stratification, leur puissance, etc. . Ces phknomknes indiquent d’une manihe B peu prks constante les divers faciks. La palBontologie nous offrira les principaux caractkres, les grandes divisions des faciks”. The first description deals more with granular feature, the second with the gross characteristics of the rocks that ought to be precisely described and grouped for the purpose of constructing the petrologic model.

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