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E. spectra of the bis-~-arene metal compounds are easier to interpret. Representative examples of the chromium, molybdenum and tungsten derivatives are given in Fig. 217,20,28,30) , and the lower ionization energy data is tabulated (Table 2). E. > ca. 10 eV) closely resemble those o f the free arenes; the ionization energies and band contours are similar, but the bands are broader in the complexes than in the free ligands. These bands are assigned in a similar manner of those of the free arenes.
Phys. 47, 877 (1975) 35. : The First Three Minutes. New York, Bantam Books 1979 36. : Naturwissensehaften 63, 443 (1976) 37. : Naturwissenschaften 66, 390 (1979) 38. , Mottelson, B. : Nuclear Structure. New York, Benjamin (Vol. 1) 1969 and (Vol. 2) 1975 39. Green, A. E. , Engler, N. : Phys. Rev. 91, 40 (1953) 40. : Mat. Fys. Skrifter Dan. Vid. Selskab 3, no. 5 (1967) 41. Myers, W. , Swiatecki, W. : Ann. Phys. ) 55,395 (1969) 42. : Annals Phys. ) 68, 377 (1971) 43. Mayer, M. : Phys. Rev. 74, 235 (1948) 44.
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