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Tis feeling of nostalgia is caught in a symbolic picture in the Hecuba, where the Trojan women remember the moment when they for the last time looked back at their city from the Greek ships that are leading them away from their home into captivity and exile: πόλιν τ’ ἀποσκοποῦσ’, ἐπεὶ νόστιμον ναῦς ἐκίνησεν πόδα καί μ’ ἀπὸ γᾶς ὥρισεν Ἰλιάδος, τάλαιν’ ἀπεῖπον ἄλγει,. .. Eratosthenes of Alexandria, who died about 194 BC, wrote on astronomy and geography, but his work is known mainly from later summaries.

Pages: 648

Publisher: Dell Publishing; Paperback Ed. edition (January 1, 2000)


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