Read Notes on the Entire Bible-The Book of 2nd Chronicles (John Wesley's Notes on the Entire Bible 14) PDF

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I divorce and renounce my marriage with the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus. Those who hold to the warfare worldview believe that it is their role to gain this knowledge and use it in the battle. These are what we recognize as evil days. Stone moreover affirms that Christians can be unduly influence by “generational patterns and spirits” in two CD’s he offers entitled “Reversing the Family Curse”8 and “Breaking Familiar Spirits”9. Well, the Old Testament tells us “Where” This Rebellion Began: Job 4: 18; Isaiah 14:12,13; Ezekiel 28:11,18 B) The New Testament Clearly Declares that Such a Cosmic Rebellion Did Occur!

Pages: 40

Publisher: GraceWorks Multimedia (August 31, 2011)


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Again, the Dead Sea Scrolls proved that the Ethiopian scribes had not failed regarding a single word. .. throughout thousands of years! This is the Scripture that will prove, to many Jews, that Christ was God and we, mankind, killed God. This is the Scripture that will prove, to many Christians, that mere faith is "not enough" for Christ (God) , cited: Spirit and Life: A collection download pdf download Spirit and Life: A collection of in-depth bible studies pdf, azw (kindle). Since my last entry, I’ve spent more than a few hours educating myself about child sex trafficking in the U. S and the non-profit organizations that help the children who are victims of this horror. I’ve spent time talking with people who successfully operate non-profits and also counselors, to understand what children need most who have been victims of sex slavery ref.: Stories of Supernatural Healing: Signs, Wonders and Miracles read Stories of Supernatural Healing: Signs, Wonders and Miracles. I increase that torment seven times greater.�23 The complexity of this process is mind-boggling. How can we be sure we are talking to demons, alters, or a real person? How does one know that a person can be saved but some of his alter egos still need to accept Christ? Do we really have authority to command angels to torment demons so that they will decide to leave? The problem, in my opinion, is that the complexity Larson is describing is actually under estimating the complexity of the bondage and neediness of the human soul , source: MYSTERY OF THE MIDNIGHT PRAYER download pdf MYSTERY OF THE MIDNIGHT PRAYER & SUSTAINED DELIVERED LIFESTYLE: Vol 8-8 Discover the power of the Midnight prayer (MYSTRY OF THE MIDNIGHT PRAYER & SUSTAINED DELIVERED LIFESTYLE) pdf, azw (kindle). Peter Wagner, as well as others, did not cut the current warfare worldview from new cloth , source: The God Idea by the Rambling Bricklayer read The God Idea by the Rambling Bricklayer here. From every division in our family, and every harmful friendship. From every sort of spell, malefice, witchcraft, and every form of the occult. Lord, You Who said, "I leave you peace, my peace I give you," grant that, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, we may be liberated from every evil spell and enjoy Your peace always , e.g. Revelation Of The Antichrist: read pdf read online Revelation Of The Antichrist: Who He Is And What He Does.. The spirit beings are usually divided into two categories: (1) the spirits of the dead elders (the ancestors) and (2) the non-human spirit beings , cited: Spiritual Warfare for Women: read here Spiritual Warfare for Women: Winning the Battle for Your Home, Family, and Friends here.

PRAYER: In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I bind the spirits of Legba, Samedi, and Ghede and cast them out of me in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Also, I loose myself from the control and conjuration of the priest or priestess. In Deliverance, a person who has been in voodoo must be sure that the Gifts of the Spirit in them are not a mixture of the old voodoo and witchcraft spirits Lord, Let There Be Light download here click Lord, Let There Be Light pdf, azw (kindle), epub, doc, mobi. What he is saying is that Satan is not alone, but that he has a vast army with him. These beings, whatever they are, vary in their rank and their power and their authority and their capability. We just need to know that the enemy is there, he is spiritual, he is many, and he is out to get us. Satan fights his battle through a myriad of captains and foot soldiers , cited: Simply Free: A Guide to Healing and Deliverance read Simply Free: A Guide to Healing and Deliverance pdf, azw (kindle). The Christian must KNOW, so they can answer the seeker. The seeker will always have a reason why not. We have to meet that with a firm, unwavering knowledge of who Jesus Christ is, and what he has done in each of our lives. INFORMATION FROM A WISE PASTOR: The Christian CANNOT be possessed by evil spirits or demons, but CAN be oppressed, harassed, and/or blinded by evil spirits or demons IF their spiritual guard is not up; or if their spiritual discernment is not sharp The Triumphant Church: download for free read The Triumphant Church: Dominion Over All the Powers of Darkness pdf, azw (kindle), epub.


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