Download online Medical Clinic: Diseases of the Encephalon, with Extracts from Ollivier's Work on Diseases of the Spinal Cord and its Membranes. PDF, azw (Kindle), ePub

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Idiopathic scoliosis is diagnosed when a 10-degree or greater curve is seen with rotation. The bladder is represented distended, so that it peeps up above the level of the front part of the haunch bone. Tumors or wounds of the neck, impeding respiration or deglutition; fistula of larynx or trachea; torticollis, if of long standing and well marked. 25. But for the treatment it is not enough even to be sure of the fact that an ulcer of the stomach exists. Spe- cially should it be noted by persons in the habit of taking large and repeated doses of powders like magnesia, chalk, phosphate of lime, &c., that these may form concretions in the bowel, which may gradually grow large enough to obstruct the bowel.

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