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Complete gut; anus ventral, at trunk–tail junction 8. Most species are less than 5 cm in length, but the first pair of legs may be as long as 25 cm! A kind of viviparity occurs in some species where the embryos are retained within the ovary. The posterior region of the body includes the ventrally di- rected posterior sucker formed from seven fused seg- ments (XXVIII–XXXIV). PDF files of all printed papers can be downloaded for free. BIO 666 is a graduate level course in animal behavior Lectures are supplemented with presentations from other faculty active in behavioral research (Whitham, Shuster, Propper) as well as with student-led discussions of the primary behavioral literature; Students in these sections attend weekly laboratory meetings where they present their ongoing research.

Pages: 412

Publisher: Springer; 2014 edition (June 6, 2014)

ISBN: 813221840X

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